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学术讲座通知:Antenna technology Challenges towards 6G – An Industrial View

主讲人 :应志农 地点 :西土城校区教三楼337 开始时间 : 2023-06-05 14:00:00 结束时间 :

报告题目:Antenna technology Challenges towards 6G – An Industrial View

报告人:应志农 索尼集团公司全球首席专家


报告时间:202365 1400



In this talk, Some potential applications of 6G mobile system will be explained and then will address the industry views on the challenges of design and THz, RIS, distributed antennas, meta lens antenna, the near field “focal forming” is also introduced, and also the link budget analysis, channel evaluation, system evaluation, over-the-air OTA and standardization activities are also addressed from antenna perspective.


Zhinong YING is a principal researcher (expert) of antenna technology in the wireless technology and algorism Lab within the Sony research centre in Lund, Sony Europe, Sweden, also as a distinguished engineer within the whole Sony group. He joined Ericsson AB in 1995. He became Senior Specialist in 1997 and Expert in 2003 in his engineer career at Ericsson. He also has been a part time industry chair professor in Aalborg University in Denmark since March 2021. He was adjacent Professor in joint center of KTH and Zhejiang University between 2001-2019. He became a IEEE Fellow since 2020. He was involved many research program on wireless technology including EU and Nordic country projects in the last 20 years. He was a member of scientific board of ACE program (Antenna Centre of Excellent in European 6th frame) from 2004 to 2007.

His main research interests are small antennas, broad and multi-band antenna, multi-channel antenna (MIMO) system, antenna for body area network, antenna and propagation in 5th generation mobile network including massive MIMO, mm wave, near- field and human body effects and measurement techniques. Recently 5 years he start work on 6G antenna technology such as RIS, THz and small satellite. He has authored and co-authored over 170 papers in various of journal, conference and industry publications. He holds more than 180 patents and pending in the antennas and new generation wireless network areas. He contributed 6 book chapters on mobile antenna, small antenna and MIMO antennas in “Mobile Antenna Handbook 3rd edition” edited H. Fujimoto and “Handbook of Antenna Technologies” edited by Z. N. Chen. He had contributed a lot of work in antenna designs and evaluation methods for the mobile industry. He has also involved in the evaluation of Bluetooth Technology which was invented by Ericsson. He received the Best Invention Award at Ericsson Mobile in 1996 and Key Performer Award at Sony Ericsson in 2002. He was nominated for President Award at Sony Ericsson in 2004 for his innovative contributions. He received Distinguish Engineer title at Sony Group globally in 2013. He served as General Co-chair and TPC Co-Chair for several international conferences in the antenna society.

